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Evenimentul Inner Wheel Club Iasi

Inner Wheel Iasi & Chisinau Charting Ceremony

October 21, 2023
Hotel Ramada Iasi, Romania

Unique in Inner Wheel history: 4 new clubs chartered in 2 days in 1 District – in D224 Romania-Moldova on 20 October 2023 Braila and Galati and on 21 October 2023 Iasi and Chisinau.

The Inner Wheel Iasi & Chisinau Charting Ceremony, held on October 21 2023, was a significant event in the life of the Inner Wheel Club of Iasi and Chisinau, marking their official charter and establishment. The ceremony took place at a prestigious venue in Iasi, Romania, and brought together club members and beloved guests from various sectors of society to celebrate and acknowledge the club’s commitment to friendship, service and philanthropy.

The Inner Wheel International Iasi Charting Ceremony on October 21, 2023, commenced with a heartfelt and warm welcome from our colleague Inner Wheel Iasi Vice-President Andreea Creteanu extended to all distinguished guests, including the Inner Wheel International President, Trish Douglas, members of the International Inner Wheel, as well as Inner Wheel Clubs of Iasi, Chisinau, Giurgiu, Bacau and Galati, Presidents of Rotary Clubs of Iasi, Vaslui and Botosani and other beloved guests.

A significant moment of the event was the gracious presence and powerful speech of Trish Douglas, the Inner Wheel International President. Her attendance underscored the global reach and importance of the Inner Wheel organization, emphasizing its commitment to making a positive impact worldwide. Trish Douglas was warmly welcomed with open arms, and her words of empowerment, encouragement and inspiration set a profound tone for the entire ceremony.

In her powerful speech, Trish Douglas passionately stressed the need for a worldwide focus on mental health. She emphasized that mental well-being is an integral component of an individual’s overall health, and it affects every aspect of their lives. Trish Douglas encouraged all Inner Wheel members to recognize the importance of mental health, not only for ourselves but for our communities and the world at large.

The Inner Wheel Iasi Charting Ceremony featured a series of enlightening and inspiring speeches by prominent figures, including Natalia Vavilina, the National Representative 2023-2025 at Inner Wheel District 224 Romania-Moldova, Carletta Irimia, District 224 Governor and our beloved Inner Wheel Iasi and Chisinau Presidents, Angelica Suchar and Victoria Sobor, who’s kind words of encouragement emphasized the global network of Inner Wheel and the collective power of service and international friendship.

Angelica Suchar, President of Inner Wheel Iasi Club, words were such an inspiration to us all:

“Today, we come together under the umbrella of Inner Wheel with a common purpose: to serve, to inspire, and to contribute to the growth and development of our community. Clubs represent spaces for meetings and collaboration, where we can bring positive changes to the world around us. The establishment of this club marks not only a beginning but also an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, with common passions and a desire to make the world a better place. We are women of action, and together, we can achieve much more than we could individually. Inner Wheel is more than just an organization; it is a global movement dedicated to generosity, service, and genuine friendship. By joining Inner Wheel, we become part of an international network of remarkable women who join forces to make a difference in the world.”

These speeches provided valuable insights into the inner workings of the Inner Wheel organization.

A keynote address was also delivered by Petru Bejan, the President 2023-2024 of Rotary Club Iasi, focusing on the value of service organizations like Inner Wheel in the community and the positive impact they can have on society.

One of the highlights of the ceremony was the official presentation of the club’s charters, marking they’re recognition within the Inner Wheel organization. The charters were received with great enthusiasm and pride by the club’s Presidents and founding members.

Angelica Suchar,President IW Iasi; Trish Douglas, President IWI

The Inner Wheel Club of Iasi took the opportunity to showcase its first and upcoming community service project, Pay it Forward, demonstrating its commitment to making a positive impact in the local community. Visual presentations and project descriptions were made available to attendees by our beloved IW member, Alina Niculita, who presents herself as “Alina, om bun” which in English would stand for: “Alina, good person”.

The project aims to create and strengthen a community of young individuals who can integrate and apply principles of conscious living, a growth mindset, positive thinking, proactive behavior, with clarity and a vision for cognitive, emotional, and relational development, as well as the utilization and enhancement of their potential.

The event concluded with a closing ceremony, and all attendees were treated to enchanting live performances by Andra Botez, a national artist, which captivated the audience with her jazzy rhythms and renditions of international music, and a remarkable performance by Alexandra, a talented young aspiring artist. With her soulful and emotive voice, she transcended her emotions and delivered a moving musical performance that resonated with the guests. Alexandra’s heartfelt singing left a profound impact on the audience, creating an emotional connection that added a special touch to the closing ceremony.

Afterwards, a local DJ took the stage, bringing an electric atmosphere to the closing ceremony. The DJ’s music selection and energetic performance ensured that guests could dance and celebrate the event’s success. The combination of great food and the local DJ’s music created a vibrant and festive ambiance that brought a perfect close to the ceremony, leaving attendees with a sense of contentment and enjoyment.


Bulevardul Carol I 5D, Iași 700506

+40 744 575 148


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