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Inner Wheel Club Iasi Sănătatea mintală luminează vieți

The remarkable milestone of the 100th anniversary of Inner Wheel International!

This century of dedication, compassion, and service is a testament to the commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others and a celebration of the countless lives touched by The enduring spirit of friendship and service, that defines Inner Wheel. Here's to another century of making a difference together!

Tema Internațională a Inner Wheel Iasi pentru 2023-2024 este

“From quiet homes and first beginnings, Out to the undiscovered ends. There’s nothing worth the wear of winning, But laughter and the love of friends.”
legăturile de prietenie

Inner Wheel Iasi

Valorile fundamentale pe care Inner Wheel le promovează și le îmbrățișează cu inima deschisă

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My Dear Fellow Members,

It is a great honour for me to be your International Inner Wheel President in this, 100th year celebration of Inner
Wheel. In the past year, we have been asked by International Inner Wheel Immediate Past President Zeny to
“Work Wonders” and you have certainly done that. This year, we will “Shine A Light” on all the fantastic work
that has been and will be. It is a very special year for each and everyone of us. Thank you so much Zeny, for
your great leadership this past year.

Trish Douglas


Aveți întrebări suplimentare?

Inner Wheel pune accentul pe dezvoltarea și menținerea legăturilor de prietenie sincere și profunde între membri.

Bulevardul Carol I 5D, Iași 700506
Luni-Vineri: 9 AM – 6 PMSambata: 9 AM – 4 PMDuminica: Inchis

Bulevardul Carol I 5D, Iași 700506

+40 744 575 148


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